Sunday, April 27, 2014

4 videos over Finding the Area of a Sector of a Circle

Enjoy this slideshow of videos that cover the area of a sector.
Finding the area of a sector ( 2 videos)
Find the radius of a circle if given the sector area.
Finding the area of a sector in radians.
Hope they help and for additional information see
Area of a Sector

Monday, April 21, 2014

Area Formulas Chart Poster

This nifty poster contains perimeter and area formulas for most of the commonly used plane shapes. Enjoy If you enjoy please share or embed

<iframe width="600" height="1846" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="overflow-y:hidden;" src=""></iframe>

Saturday, April 19, 2014

What is a triangle?

How do you know a triangle is a triangle. A shape must satisfy these three theorems in order to be classified as a triangle

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Finding the side length of an isosceles triangle

In order to find the side length of an isosceles triangle the following formulas are used:

             a = length of legs
 b = base
  h= height

Remember an isosceles triangle has two congruent angles and two congruent sides.
The video works a sample problem in which the side length of an isosceles triangle is calculated using the above formulas.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Area of a triangle GIF

Quick GIF that covers how to find the area of a triangle if you are given the height. If the height is not given there are several methods for finding the height including Herons formula. This page reviews several methods for finding the area of a triangle based on information you are given. Area of triangle

I understand my GIF is not polished and slick. As a teacher I can't spend hours making the perfect GIF but I enjoy creating these simple little Math GIFs with a very basic program, I feel I get a descent product for the amount of time spent creating it. 

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Five videos that help with SOHCAHTOA

SOHCAHTOA has been used for years in Geometry classes to help remember the trig functions. Here are five videos that do a nice job of explaining the basic trig functions.

This a very basic video but is very creative and well done.

The story of SOHCAHTOA This video is creative and really helps you remember the trig functions.

This video actually works out several problems using the trig functions. The instructor is clear and helpful .
This video is really helpful if you need some help using your TI calculator to solve trig problems.

This video reviews the basics of trig functions and SOHCAHTOA

Click here for more information on SOHCAHTOA

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Video of the Day " Solving Absolute Value Inequalities"

Absolute value inequalities

Todays video gives step by step directions on how to solve absolute value inequalities. For more information on this topic please see " Absolute value Inequalities

Monday, April 7, 2014

Angle Side Angle

I need help with understanding " angle side angle" The following two videos explain "ASA" which can be used to prove that two triangles are congruent.
The first video covers when to use angle side angle and the second video works the angle side angle proof.

Angle Side Angle Proof